
求女娲造人的故事 中英文版



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中文版 盘古开辟了天地,用身躯造出日月星辰、山川草木。那残留在天地间的浊气慢慢化作虫鱼鸟兽,替这死寂的世界增添了生气。 这时 女娲造人 ,有一位女神女娲,在这莽莽的原野上行走。她放眼四望,山岭起伏,江河奔流,丛林茂密,草木争辉,天上百鸟飞鸣,地上群兽奔驰,水中鱼儿嬉戏,草中虫之豸跳跃,这世界按说也点缀得相当美丽了。但是她总觉得有一种说不出的寂寞,越看越烦,孤寂感越来越强烈,连自己也弄不清楚这是为什么。 与山川草木诉说心中的烦躁,山川草木根本不懂她的话;对虫鱼鸟兽倾吐心事,虫鱼鸟兽哪能了解她的苦恼。她颓然坐在一个池塘旁边,茫然对池塘中自己的影子。忽然一片树叶飘落池中,静止的池水泛起了小小的涟漪,使她的影子也微微晃动起来。她突然觉得心头的死结解开了,是呀!为什么她会有那种说不出的孤寂感?原来是世界是缺少一种像她一样的生物。 想到这 女娲补天 儿,她马上用手在池边挖了些泥土,和上水,照着自己的影子捏了起来。她感到好高兴。 捏着捏着,捏成了一个小小的东西,模样与女娲差不多,也有五官七窍,双手两脚。捏好后往地上一放,居然活了起来。女娲一见,满心欢喜,接着又捏了许多。她把这些小东西叫作“人”。 这些“人”是仿照神的模样造出来的,气概举动自然与别的生物不同,居然会叽叽喳喳讲起和女娲一样的话来。他们在女娲身旁欢呼雀跃了一阵,慢慢走散了。 女娲那寂寞的心一下子热乎起来,她想把世界变得热热闹闹,让世界到处都有她亲手造出来的人,于是不停工作,捏了一个又一个。但是世界毕竟太大了,她工作了很久,双手都捏得麻木了,捏出的小人分布在大地上仍然太稀少。她想这样下去不行,就顺手从附近折下一条藤蔓,伸入泥潭,沾上泥浆向地上挥洒。结果点点泥浆变成一个个小人,与用手捏成的模样相似,这一来速度就快多了。女娲见 女娲造人 新方法奏了效,越洒越起劲,大地就到处有了人。 女娲在大地上造出许多人来,心中高兴,寂寞感一扫而空。她觉得很累了,要休息一下,到四处走走,看看那些人生活怎样。 一天,她走到一处,见人烟稀少,十分奇怪,俯身仔细察看,见地上躺着不少小人,动也不动,她用手拨弄,也不见动静,原来 这是她是最初造出来的小人,这时已头发雪白,寿终正寝了。 女娲见了这种情形,心中暗暗着急,她想到自己辛辛苦苦造人,人却不断衰老死亡。这样下去,若要使世界上一直有人,岂不要永远不停地制造?这总不是办法。 结果女娲参照世上万物传种接代的方法,把人类分为男女,叫人类也男女配合,繁衍后代。因为人是仿神的生物,不能与禽兽同等,所以她又建立了婚姻制度,使之有别于禽兽乱交。后世人就把女娲奉为“神媒” 英文版 Pangu opened with body made heaven and earth, moon and stars, mountains vegetation. The residue in between heaven and earth of oil and gas slowly into insects, fish, birds and beasts for this the dead of world added angry. then Nuwa created man , a goddess nuwa, in the vast field of walk on. She in complete bemusement mountains ups and downs, the rivers flow, dense jungle, vegetation, days ZhengHui hundreds bird fly Ming, the ground of beast Mercedes, water frolic in the grass Zhi jump, the insect world ordinarily interspersed quite beautiful. But she always feeling that there is a kind of inarticulate lonely, more looks more vexed, loneliness is more and more intense, even oneself also not clear why this is. And mountains vegetation of the heart be agitated, gambits mountains vegetation doesnt understand her words, Pour out of mind, insects, fish birds and animals which animals and birds insect fish can understand her distress. She self effacing sitting in a pool, loss of pond his shadow. Suddenly a leaf falls pool, stationary wucaichi tiny ripples pool, make her shadow also slightly jolted. She suddenly feel heart knot untied. Yeah! Why did she have that kind of inarticulate loneliness? Originally is the world is the lack of a kind of like her creatures. Think of this NvWaBuTian Son, she immediately by hand by the pool dig some soil, and water, according to his own shadow knead up. She felt so happy. Grabbed the coverlet, pinching became a small thing, shape and nuwa almost, also have facial features 7, both hands two feet. Knead well after a put toward the earth, incredibly come alive. Nuwa saw, filled with joy, and then knead a lot. She put these little thing called "person". These "person" is modeled on what god is like made dauntless nature and other creatures move is different, would be chatter about and nuwa as word. They nuwa side joy in a burst of, slowly lost. Nuwa that solitude heart sank to warm up, she wants the world becomes lively, let the world is everywhere she personally created man, so keep working, pinching them one by one. But the world after all too big, she worked for a long time, two hands pinched numb.before SIMS distribution on the ground still too few. She wanted to go on like this not line, without extra trouble from a nearby YiTiaoTeng tendril, reach into the mire, and the dirt on the mud to the ground asperses. Results little mud becoming sexless SIMS, and by hand molded into shape similarity of spending much faster speed. Nuwa see Nuwa created man A new method, the validity played more enthusiastic, the land would sprinkle everywhere there are people. Nuwa on earth created many people to, in the heart glad, loneliness vanish. She felt very tired and need to rest, to walk around, look at those people how life. One day, she went to a place, and saw the sparsely populated, strange, leaned over and look carefully at, insightful lying on many figurines, motionless, with her hand fingers, also disappear action and originally this is that she is originally created villain, at this moment has hair snow white, died. Nuwa saw this kind of situation, heart secretly worried, she thought that he made painstaking man, but man constantly aging death. In this way, if want to make the world always someone, or dont always kept manufacturing? This is not always measures. Results nuwa reference everything pick generation method, pity the human is divided into men and women, so that men and women human also cooperate, reproduce. Because the person is imitated god creatures, not equal with animals, so she again established marriage system which is different from animals promiscuity after. After the world took nuwa serve as "god vectors"

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求女娲造人的故事 中英文版

求女娲造人的故事 中英文版


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