
中国春节风俗习惯 第10期:春节故事2打印版

时间:2020-09-25 13:48:01


中国春节风俗习惯 第10期:春节故事2打印版

中国春节风俗习惯 第10期:春节故事2()

After that, the people started celebrating the new moon instead of fearing it.

之后,人们不再害怕新月,而开始为它庆祝。 That celebration became a 15 day festival of family, food and good fortune called Chinese New Year. 庆典演变成了一个15天的节日,家人们一起吃饭,祈求好运,这个节日叫做春节。 Every Chinese New Year is always represented by one of twelve animals and the Chinese Zodiac chosen by the Jade Emperor centuries and centuries ago. 每个春节都由很久以前玉皇大帝选出来的12个动物之一和生肖来代表。 According to legend, a long time ago in China the Jade Emperor held a great race, the first twelve animals to reach the palace would be the winners. And they would each get a year named after them in their honor. 据传说,很久以前在中国,玉皇大帝举行了一次盛大的赛跑,首先到达天宫的12个动物则为胜者。会有一年以它们命名。 During the race, the ox was winning, until he had to cross the rushing river, the rat was right behind him and couldnt swim very well, so the kind ox let the rat ride on his back. 赛跑中,牛就要赢了,直到要过一条湍急的河,在它后面的老鼠不太会游泳,好心的牛就让老鼠骑在它的背上。 As soon as they got to the other side, the rat jumped off and scurry to the finish line to win the race, thats why the first year in the Chinese Zodiac calendar is the year of a rat. 它们一到达河的另一边,老鼠就跳起来冲向了终点赢得赛跑,所以中国黄道日历里的第一年是鼠年。 Eleven other animals reached the palace to create the twelve year cycle of the Chinese Zodiac. 另外11个动物到达天宫,形成了12年一循环的生肖。 Its said that the animal your birth year is named after can shape your personality and destiny. 据说你的生肖能决定你的个性和命运。 You might be honest like a dragon or smart like a monkey. 你可能会像龙一样正直,或者像猴子一样聪明。 When your animal takes its turn in the Zodiac cycle, legend has it that your year will be full of surprises. 当你的本命年来临时,据说那一年会充满惊喜。 But no matter which animal you are, everyone is excited to honor these ancient traditions, even in modern New Year celebrations. 但不管你属什么,每个人都爱遵守这些古老的传统,在现代的春节庆典中依然如此。 Today Chinese New Year brings families together all over the world. 现在春节让家人们团聚在一起,不管你在世界的哪个角落。 In fact, billions of people travel back to their homes and families in China to feast on a delicious reunion dinner with plates and plates of homemade food. 很多人会回到中国的家里和家人一起吃一盘盘家常的团圆饭。 Many of the foods like egg rolls, noodles and shrimp mean something special. 许多食物都有特别的寓意,比如蛋卷,面条和虾。 Egg rolls symbolize wealth for the coming year, because they look like bars of solid gold. 蛋卷象征着来年的财富,因为它们看起来像金条。 Changming noodles shouldnt be cut, because long noodles symbolize health for a long life. 长命面不能切断,因为长的面条寓意健康长寿。 Shrimp symbolizes happiness, because the Mandarin words for shrimp and smile sounds very similar. 虾代表着快乐,因为普通话里的 虾 和 笑 听起来很像。 As part of the festivities lucky red envelopes called Hongbao are passed out to children as well as unmarried adults. 作为节日的一部分,会有红包发给小孩以及未婚的成年人。 In Chinese culture the color red symbolizes luck, in order to receive the red envelopes, well wishes are given to the elder. 在中国文化中,红色象征幸运,为了得到红包,小孩会给长者送上美好的祝福。 Money is inside each envelope to bring prosperity and good fortune in the coming year. 红包里塞着钱,希望给来年带来繁荣和好运。 During all 15 days of Chinese New Year, it is a time to reflect on the pasting year and celebrate the future. 春节的15天,是回顾去年以及庆祝未来的好时候。 Bright fireworks light up the sky, and huge parades wind the streets until the final day of the new year celebration. 明亮的烟火点亮了天空,巨大的人群涌动在街头,直到庆典的最后一天。 The Lantern Festival when thousands of bright lanterns glow in the night to bring good fortune to all. 元宵节,千万盏灯笼照亮黑夜,为大家带来好运。 No matter where you live you can join the festivities, whether its one reunion dinner with your family or 15 days of celebrating togetherness. 不管你身处何地都能加入庆典,不管是和家人的一顿团圆饭,还是整整15天的团聚。 Chinese New Year is open to everyone. 每个人都能庆祝春节。 原文地址:

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